Spaghetti Against the Apocalypse


It’s all about being ok when nothing is ok.

This is the Apocalypse, baby… And we are here to SURVIVE SHINE!

Leave your worries behind, come on in & let’s have fun together during the Apocalypse!

Our goal is to create unique products that are sure to make you smile:) 

Make it simple.

Don’t complicate yourself and be kind with your mind!

This is a place of HOPE, a home for all the DREAMERS, the MISFITS & the KAWAII WEIRDOS.

A Place where we can be ourselves without judgment or fear, and where perfection does not exist.

Take time to enjoy the simple things in life, like… Spaghetti!

Because you know, sometimes, Spaghetti is the only answer!


P.S. You will find a small collection of our HANDMADE & Cute orginal Designs!

Since the Apocalypse is underway, we don’t want to produce more than necessary,

we make ONLY FEW PIECES with Psychedelic Love & Imperfect Human Hands.

We will have similar stuff here my friend, but NEVER the same!



